"My own words are not the medicine, but a prescription;
not the destination but a map to help you find it"
Lao Tzu, Chinese Philosopher and author of 'Tao Teh Ching'
Banner Photo Annie Spratt - Unsplash
“Having been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease I came to the class with the expectation that it would help me with my balance. It has definitely helped. However, I have learned there is more to Tai Chi than what is in the course description. Master Troy has designed his class to integrate the mind and the body through gentle movements. He is passionate about Tai Chi and this is reflected in his teaching style. I have enjoyed his classes and will continue to do so.”
“ When I retired eight years ago, I wanted to learn a new way to gently exercise that I could continue to do as I got older. I ruled out yoga after I tried it and found that moving my head in different up and down positions caused light-headedness. I ruled out exercise classes because I was still playing tennis and wanted something that was not stretching my body to its limits. Now, at age 73, still walking two miles almost daily and heavily involved in volunteer activity, I find that tai chi was and is a good choice for me.
Even though I do not practice very often and miss classes when traveling, I know that tai chi feels good for my lower spine issues. My physical therapist verified that. When I am traveling and missing classes, I add tai chi movements to my daily spine exercises because it makes me feel good. I have moved beyond determination to learn the form to just enjoying the movement. I am not “good” but no longer care about that. I just want to do the movements a little better each time.
Our age-and-gender-diverse class is small and friendly. I appreciate the expertise of Master Troy and the helpfulness and welcoming attitude of Gloria who assists in our instruction. If you decide to try out tai chi, my only suggestion is to come to it with an open mind and an attitude of finding enjoyment in its practice rather than an attitude of tai chi achievement or accomplishment.”
“My doctors recommended I try Tai Chi for balance and stability. That was over 2 years ago and I am very pleased to say that my balance and stabiity have improved. I find Tai Chi to be very calming and I really enjoy the fun and friendly atmosphere of the class. Tai Chi is my time to do something enjoyable that makes me feel better””
“I started Tai Chi three years ago and have noticed a gradual improvement in my balance, posture and coordination. The Tai Chi movements involve both mind and body.
My inner ear hearing loss contributes to my balance problem. I will never regain the balance I used to have but now I feel much stronger and more able to prevent falls. My doctors are pleased with my decision to take the Tai Chi classes.
Master Troy Walzak and Gloria Ryder are supportive, friendly and talented. I enjoy going to class and try not to miss a session.”
“To Master Troy and Gloria,
This is my 4th year in your Tai Chi class. I started Tai Chi due to my arthritis in my neck, shoulders and knees. After consultations with an orthopedic surgeon and pain specialist, I was advised to have a series of surgeries. They were surprised I could walk around. I refused surgeries. I started Tai Chi with the Naperville Park District. The first 3 months, I had to lie down in my bed after class due to pain. After 6 months, I improved so much that I joined a second class. After 9 months, I joined a water therapy class without knowing how to swim!!!
The health benefits to me are:
1. My shoulder & neck pains are totally gone.
2. My bone density numbers have improved 3 years in a row - my doctor is in shock!
3. Due to my diabetes, I get neurological pains in my legs. However my Neurologist cannot believe my major large fibers are doing so well. She advised me to continue my Tai Chi class for the rest of my life.
4. I can now walk up to 2 miles per day without taking pain medications.
I like the class very much because:
1. The class is very structured. The Qi Gongs at the beginning are very helpful.
2. Master Troy is quite knowledgeable about Tai Chi principles and Kung Fu. I found him teaching in a very fundamental Chinese Kung Fu way. This I like because Tai Chi is part of Chinese Kung Fu culture.
3. I learn something new each time and I enjoy the occasional historical and cultural perspectives.
4. There is no emphasis on the mechanical “Form” or “Forms”. After all, there are many different Forms or styles.
One of the most important lessons I learned is to “Let Go”. This helps me to just breathe, be Still. By doing this, I relax, become more focused and simultaneously more aware of my surroundings. I feel more balanced both physically and mentally.
So to my fellow classmates, keep going to class and don’t worry about steps or “Form”. Try practicing at home even 10 minutes a day, just one move at a time.”
“Tai Chi continues to be an increasingly important part of my daily routine as my knowledge deepens.”
“Hi, This has been my fourth session with Master Troy and Gloria. I have enjoyed each session very much. I love and benefit from the relaxed atmosphere of each session. Each session I learn and benefit from Master Troy’s explanation of the exercises we do. Gloria is ever patient and knowledgeable with every move and gently gives individual help as needed. I am taking tai chi to learn how to center my busy mind and to BREATHE. I am becoming aware of each breath that brings life and energy to all workouts and walking too. ”
“I came to Tai Chi as another type of physical, mental and spiritual discipline that I can add to my efforts to lead a healthy life. I have been a student going on a year. The class is small, formal but still personable, led by an experienced and knowledgeable Master.
Benefits I have received so far (knowing I am just an ‘infant’) are a way to slow down, be patient with myself, learn to use my back brain more, rather than my front brain, good physical ‘exercise’, good breathing techniques, calming, learning something new at my age (mid-60s), social—fellow students are in my neighborhood...
What surprised me the most was how slow and sustained it is.”
“I think Master Troy is a knowledgeable and caring teacher with a great deal of integrity and respect in the teaching of Tai Chi. You are just great! I have seen some results with the naropathy in my feet and legs, and the energy balances me out and is positive.”
“Just a quick comment on yesterday’s class. I really appreciate the way you explained the wave hands like clouds, Master Troy. It was really helpful to me when you walked us through one side at a time. I was able to more easily “get it”. I’m still far from being very coordinated but I at least feel I’m making some progress.
Thanks for all your explanations and demos and for your patience with us. I’m enjoying the class and am confident I’m getting as-yet unseen benefits. After my stroke, I definitely need all the help I can get!!
Thanks again!”